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RevenueCat is a powerful and reliable in-app purchase server that makes it easy to build, analyze, and grow your subscriber base whether you're just starting out or already have millions of customers.


InputTypeDescriptionDefault Value
api_keystringAPI Key. API key or access token
start_datestringStart date.

To get started;

  • You can create a new secret API key in your project settings page > API keys. Select + New.
  • Give it a name, select V2 as the version, and set the following permissions:
    • project_configuration:projects:read
    • project_configuration:apps:read
    • charts_metrics:overview:read
    • customer_information:customers:read
    • customer_information:subscriptions:read
    • customer_information:purchases:read
    • customer_information:invoices:read
    • project_configuration:entitlements:read
    • project_configuration:offerings:read
    • project_configuration:products:read
  • Be sure to select Generate at the top right corner.


Stream NamePrimary KeyPaginationSupports Full SyncSupports Incremental
projectsidNo pagination
appsidNo pagination
metrics_overviewidNo pagination
customersidNo pagination
customers_subscriptionsidNo pagination
customers_purchasesidNo pagination
customers_active_entitlementsentitlement_idNo pagination
customers_aliasesidNo pagination
customers_invoicesidNo pagination
entitlementsidNo pagination
entitlements_productsid.entitlement_idNo pagination
offeringsidNo pagination
offerings_packagesidNo pagination
offerings_packages_productsid.package_idNo pagination
productsidNo pagination


Expand to review
VersionDatePull RequestSubject
0.0.22024-12-1147735Starting with this version, the Docker image is now rootless. Please note that this and future versions will not be compatible with Airbyte versions earlier than 0.64
0.0.12024-09-23Initial release by @topefolorunso via Connector Builder
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